Can I end a chat from the Dashboard?

An agent can close a chat from the dashboard so that it is no longer visible. However, only a visitor can end a chat.

There is no direct function for ending a chat in the Dashboard. If you close a chat in the Dashboard, the chat will still remain active from the visitor’s side. If they send another message, it will appear as a new chat and you will receive a notification.

To close a chat, click the Close button in the upper-right corner of the chat window. 

Ending a chat from the widget 

A visitor can end a chat session from the widget by clicking the menu in the upper-right corner and selecting End this chat session.

After the visitor has ended the chat, they will still have the option to start a new chat.

If you have a particularly troublesome visitor and need to end a chat forever, you can ban the visitor. 

Banning a visitor 

Banning a visitor during a chat will automatically end the chat session and prevent your visitor from starting a new chat. Once you unban the visitor, they will once again be able to see the chat widget on your website and start a new chat.  

Here’s how to ban a visitor during a live chat session:

Head over to the Options menu at the upper-right area of the chat window. Then, select Ban.

You must give a reason for banning your visitor and choose whether or not to ban them by their IP address. If you choose not to ban their IP address, the visitor can simply clear the cookies in their browser and begin a new chat. 

To learn more about banning visitors, read this article: Banning a visitor

Here’s how to remove a ban:

Make your way to ⚙️AdministrationUser ManagementBan List.

In the Ban List, you'll see all currently banned visitors. To remove a visitor from the list, select that visitor in the list. Alternatively, you can click their entry details to open up a record of what happened when they were banned.

To end the ban, click the red Delete button. 

If you want to learn more about Removing a ban, read this article: Removing a ban

If you have other questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team or schedule a call.

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