Banning a visitor


If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. It's unfortunate, but occasionally you may have to ban a visitor from using the chat widget.

There are three ways to ban a visitor: while they're in a chat with you, from the Messaging section or from the Ban List. However you do it, it can be undone should you have a change of heart. Banning a visitor prevents them from using the chat widget. However, it will not ban them from your website.

NOTE: The instructions below can be completed from a browser or the desktop apps.

Banning in an active chat

To ban a visitor, click the Options (three dots) icon in the upper-area of the chat window. Then, select Ban

You must give a reason before the visitor can be banned and choose whether or not to ban them by their IP address. If you choose not to ban the IP, the visitor can simply clear the cookies in their browser and return immediately. Once done, click the red Ban button below.

Banning from the Messaging section

You can also ban someone from the Messaging section after they have left a chat.

Select the Inbox icon in the upper tab menu. Then, select the conversation with the offender from the list.

Click the Options icon, then select Ban.

You'll now have the option to ban the visitor. You must give a reason before they can be banned and choose whether or not to ban the visitor by their IP address. If you choose not to ban the IP, the visitor can simply clear the cookies in their browser and return immediately.

Banning from the Ban List

Here’s how to ban a visitor you no longer have in a chat.

If you have multiple properties, check to make sure you're viewing the correct one. Hover over the current property name in the upper-right menu to select a new property from the list.

Then, make your way to ⚙️AdministrationUser ManagementBan List

In the Ban List, you'll see all the currently banned visitors. To add a new visitor to the naughty list, click the green Ban IP button to the right of the search bar. 

This will open a new window allowing you to add the IP address of the visitor you want to ban along with a reason for doing so.

Removing a Ban

Everyone loves a good redemption story. If you need to remove the ban from a single offender, just select them from the list. This will open up a record of what happened when they were banned. 

To end the ban, click the red Delete button.

To remove multiple bans at once, click the checkboxes in the Ban List and group visitors together. Once you've selected all of the visitors you want to stop banning, click the Trash Bin button at the top of the list.

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