Adding additional properties and websites to your dashboard


One of the great things about is that you can manage multiple websites, businesses or widgets all from one dashboard

A Property includes your chat widgets, a chat page and a Knowledge Base. You can add an unlimited number of properties to your account for free. To get the most out of the software, you should set up each unique website as its own property.

There are several advantages to setting up your dashboard this way:

  • Your reporting will be segmented
  • You can customize a chat widget for each website
  • Each website can have its own set of tailored responses
  • Each property will have its own unique Knowledge Base
  • Each property can have separate teams of agents

    NOTE: The instructions below can be completed from a browser or the desktop apps.

How to add an additional property to your account

To create an additional Property in your account, hover over the current property icon in the upper-right corner, and a list of properties should appear.

Click the Create Property button in the property pane.

Enter the name and URL for the property. Once you're done bringing this new property to life, make sure the newly created property is selected.

Finally, go to Administration, select Chat Widget under Channels and copy the </> Widget Code. You'll need to paste the snippet into your website's HTML just before the </body> tag on the website for which you're setting up the new property. 

Now you'll be able to manage both properties within one dashboard.

Need help adding properties and websites to your dashboard? Reach out to our support team or schedule a call

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