Understanding the statistics in your Dashboard


The tawk.to Dashboard offers a quick snapshot of the traffic on your site and shows how your agents have been interacting with visitors.

NOTE: The instructions below can only be completed from a browser or the tawk.to desktop apps. They cannot be completed in the tawk.to mobile app.

You can view live statistics in your dashboard by clicking the Dashboard (Home) icon in the menu tab.

What statistics can I see in the Dashboard?

In the Live Visitors section on the left, you'll see a graph showing real-time visitors on your website. Click the drop-down menu to view Historical Analytics for visitors, chats and/or page views over a new time frame.

Below this graph, under History, is a list of recent chats.

The reports for Visitors, Page Views and Answered chats give you the running total in each category for the day. The numbers will be updated every time you refresh the page or return to your Dashboard.

The percentage listed beside these statistics compares the current daily total to the final count from the previous day.

The number next to the green up arrow in each category shows the highest total over the past seven days. The number next to the red down arrow shows the lowest count over the past seven days.

How are Visitors counted in the Dashboard?

The Visitors field shows the total number of visitor sessions on a property.

A session starts when a visitor lands on a tawk.to property and lasts until the visitor leaves the site, the visitor or agent ends the chat, or the visitor is inactive on the site for at least 20 minutes.

There is a two-minute buffer period allowing visitors to rejoin a chat at the end of a session. After the buffer period ends, visitors who return or become active again are counted as additional visitors.

How are Chats counted?

The Chats pane shows the numbers of answered and missed chats for the day and compares the running total to the final count for the previous day.

What counts as a Page View?

Page Views are counted individually. If a visitor makes their way to your site and browses multiple pages, each page will be counted every time it’s viewed.


Reporting gives you a quick summary of the statistics in the Reporting tab.

Positive Sentiment is based on the rating a chat is given.

Engagement is calculated as the number of chats divided by the number of visits.

Availability shows how often you've had agents available to answer chats.

With a quick summary of your traffic and engagement in one place, it’s easy to watch how your business is growing day by day.

Learn more about reporting and statistics in this article: Understanding reporting.

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