How do I opt out of the weekly roundup?

The weekly roundup email offers a quick snapshot of the stats from the previous week across your properties. It's a great way to keep an eye on what's happening on your site and can alert you to any changes that need to be made.

If you'd prefer to stop receiving the weekly roundup email, make your way over to your Profile icon in the lower-left corner of your dashboard. This will open a menu with options for changing how you experience the dashboard and how your interactions with others will appear to them.

Clicking the Edit Profile option from the list will take you to your My Profile page. Once you're there, select the Account Settings option from the Account list.

Now just switch the Weekly Roundup to inactive, and you'll no longer receive these emails.

If you change your mind and want to start receiving the email again, just switch it back to active.

Got more questions about the weekly roundup email? Reach out to our support team or schedule a call.

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