How do I cancel a subscription?

[Desktop] allows you to unsubscribe from a paid package and downgrade to a free account by canceling the Add-ons you’ve purchased.

Here are some points to consider before canceling your subscription:

  • Your subscription is paid in advance. If you cancel before the start of the next billing cycle, you will retain access to your paid features until the current billing cycle ends. When your subscription expires, you will lose access to paid features.
  • If you have multiple subscriptions, select the one you’d like to cancel. Canceling one subscription won't impact the benefits or services of other retained subscriptions. If you want to cancel all subscriptions, you’ll need to cancel each subscription individually.
  • You must be an account admin to cancel a subscription. 

If you need help canceling your subscription, reach out to our support team or schedule a call

NOTE: The instructions below can only be completed from a browser or the desktop apps. They cannot be completed in the mobile app.

Follow these steps to cancel your subscription:

If you have multiple properties, check to make sure you're viewing the correct one. Hover over the current property name in the upper-left menu to select a new property from the list.

Then, make your way to ⚙️AdministrationBilling Purchases and Invoices to view your subscribed Add-ons.

Just below the Billing Address, click the Cancel Subscription button. 

A pop-up window will open and ask you to select one Reason for canceling the service. Once done, select the red Yes, cancel subscription in the lower right-hand side to confirm.

That's it — you have unsubscribed from your paid package and can continue to enjoy your free account.

To reactivate your subscription, follow the steps here: How do I renew my canceled subscription?

Learn more about changing your billing details here: How to change your billing details

Need additional help? Our support team is ready to assist or schedule a call. 

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