What is the difference between an Inline Widget and an Embed Widget?

When adding a new widget, you'll have the option to choose either an inline or embed widget type. This choice can only be made when the widget is created. 

To set up a new widget, head to ⚙️Administration ➞ Channels ➞ Chat Widget

Then, click +Add Widget.


The inline widget is the most common widget type and likely the one you're most familiar with. This is because it's more versatile and is best for most situations. 

Depending on where you place it, the inline widget will stay in that position on the page when visitors scroll or navigate to other pages in your domain. 

Most visitors expect the widget to be in the lower-right corner when browsing. Positioning the widget here will result in the visitor seeing the widget in that same spot regardless of where they navigate on your website — even if they are in an active chat. 

You can view an example of an inline widget on our Home Page:http://tawk.to


An embed widget functions as a component of a web page. Think of it as another element you can use when building your website. You can place it in a specific area of a page just as you would an image or text.

Embed widgets are less common as they serve specific purposes. They’re often set up to be used on landing pages or blogs as a contact form.

They can be added to a page, post or sidebar, and will appear as part of the webpage. If a visitor navigates away from an embed widget page, they'll no longer be able to chat unless they return to that page. 

They can be added to a page, post or sidebar, and will appear as part of the webpage. If a visitor navigates away from an embed widget page, they'll no longer be able to chat unless they return to that page. 

Direct Chat Link

Depending on your needs, you can use a direct chat link as another option to an inline widget. This can be especially helpful if you don't have a website.

The direct chat link opens the widget as a new page in a web browser. When a visitor clicks the link, they can start a chat or access your knowledge base without navigating to your website.

You can learn more about direct chat links in this article: Using the Direct Chat Link

Got more questions about inline and embed widgets? Reach out to our support team or schedule a call.

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