The difference between properties, chat pages, and profile pages


Your dashboard is packed with features, real-time data and metrics that can be intimidating for first-time users. Let’s unravel some of its basic features and dig into the differences between properties, chat pages, and profile pages.


At, you can create an unlimited number of properties. Each property allows you to configure your account settings, customize chat widgets, manage incoming chats, set up a Knowledge Base and more.

When you first create an account, you can name a website and URL. These details will appear in your dashboard as the Property Name and Property URL.

Adding a URL simply helps property members identify how the property is used. For example, you can add but have the widget on


These are free-standing web pages on which you can chat with your customers using the widget. Your free account includes the following kinds of pages: chat pages and profile pages

Chat Pages

Your account allows you to have one chat page for each property. Chat pages are useful to users who don’t have a website. You can customize your Visitor page URL with any name you want as long as it’s not yet taken. Here is an example:

Profile pages

Every account holder at can create a profile page where they can share their bio, a photo, and any other information about themselves and their business. Here is an example of a profile page:

NOTE: you must be using a desktop or laptop computer to perform the steps below.

Here’s how to create a chat page:

If you have multiple properties, check to make sure you're viewing the correct one. ​​Hover over the current property name in the upper menu of the dashboard to view all of your properties and select a new one.

Make your way to ⚙️Administration in the lower-left corner of the Dashboard. Under Channels, click Page.

After clicking Page, enter the details of the new Chat Page you are creating. 

There is a limit of one chat page per property, so if you want to create additional pages, you’ll need to add more properties to your account.

Learn how to make changes to your profile page in this article: Editing your personal profile page

Learn more about adding properties here: Adding additional properties and websites to your Dashboard

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