The difference between properties, chat pages, and profile pages

The instructions below are for desktops and laptops only.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through some of the main features of your account, such as properties, chat pages and profile pages.

A property can be thought of as a business unit. Each property can have chat widgets, a Knowledge Base, and a chat page.

You can create unlimited properties at no additional cost and the data of each property is isolated from each other. This means you can change account settings, customize chat widgets, and manage chats for each individual property.

When creating a new account, you’ll be asked to enter a property name and URL. These become your default Property Name and Property URL, which you can edit at Administration > Overview.
To see a list of your properties, hover over your property name at the top left corner of your dashboard. Click Add Property to create new properties.

To learn more about adding properties to your dashboard, click here.

When you create a new account, you’ll have 2 items in this list by default: your profile (with your name), and the property you’ve created. To learn more about these properties, click here.

Chat and Profile Pages

There are 2 kinds of pages you can add to a property:

  • Chat page
  • Profile page
Chat page

A chat page is a free web page you can easily set up to engage your customers in live chat if you don’t already have a website. It’s also a great way to test the changes you make to your widget.

You can have 1 chat page per property and it’s easy to customize on your dashboard.

To create a chat page, go to Administration > Channels > Page. Enter the details, select your widget, and click Create Page. Your Page Identifier is part of your chat page URL.
To learn more about creating a chat page, click here.
Profile page

A profile page is a web page containing your profile information, such as your name, contact details, social links, and more. 

You can have 1 profile page with your account, and only you can answer chats on your profile page.

You can customize your profile page at Account > Profile > Profile Page.

To learn more about customizing your profile page, click here.

Take advantage of these features on your account and offer multiple channels for your customers to reach you.

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