Can I invite multiple agents at once? enables you to add multiple agents on your property at once. In no time, you’ll have your whole team set up and ready to respond to chat.

Here’s how to invite multiple agents at once: 

Make your way to ⚙️Administration User Management Property Members.

Then, click the Invite Member.

Here, you can manually input the email addresses and roles of the agents you are inviting as Property Members. Click the green Send Invitation button once you are done.

If you already have all the details on a CSV file, click the Import from CSV button. This lets you upload your CSV file to the Dashboard and send the invites in just a few clicks. 

Each new member will receive an email notifying them that they’ve been added to a property. If they don't have a account, they will be prompted to sign up for one when they accept the invitation. If they already have a account, they will also receive a notification in their Dashboard inviting them to join your property. 

Note: There is a limit of 50 pending property member invites per property. If you need to add more agents, reach out to our team in chat and we can raise your limit.

Learn how to invite and manage agents on iOS by following the steps in this article: Inviting and managing agents on iOS

Learn how to invite and manage agents on Android by following the steps in this article: Inviting and managing agents on Android

That’s it! Once your team members have accepted the invitation, you and your agents can now start responding to chats!

If you have other questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team or schedule a call.

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