How to get your AI agent to greet visitors when they start a chat

The instructions below are for desktops and laptops only.

With's AI Assist, you can get your AI agent to greet visitors when they start a chat.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to set this up using the Base Prompt.

Modify the Base Prompt

Follow these steps to modify the Base Prompt:

1. Log in to your account.

2. On your dashboard, choose the property for which you want to modify the Base Prompt. Hover over the property name to ensure you’ve selected the correct one.

3. Click Add-ons on the top menu.

4. Click Settings under AI Assist.

5. Select your AI agent.

6. Go to the Settings page.

7. Scroll down to Base Prompt. Create a detailed prompt to guide your AI agent’s greeting.

For example, if a visitor has given their name, you can get your AI agent to greet them with their name with the following prompt:

- When the visitor starts a chat by submitting their contact details, use their name in your greeting

You can add specific instructions for your AI agent to say exactly what you’ve typed in the prompt. You can also use “[option]” to add suggested messages. These become clickable buttons for visitors, allowing them to trigger specific actions or conversation flows.

For example:
- Include this in your response:

“How can we help you today?

[option] Check order

[option] Deposit status”

If the visitor has given their details in the Pre-Chat Form before starting a chat, here’s a sample prompt you can adapt:

- When the visitor starts a chat by submitting their contact details, use their name in your greeting and include this in your response: ​
"Thanks for initiating a chat! How can we help you today?

[option] Check order

[option] Deposit status

[option] Withdrawal status

[option] Report an issue"

7. Click Save.

8. Test your AI agent's responses and adjust the Base Prompt as needed. Experiment with different prompts to achieve the desired greeting.

Here are a couple of tips to refine your AI agent’s greeting:

  • Personalize your message based on visitor goals.

  • Experiment with different greeting styles and buttons to find what resonates best with your target audience.

To learn more about modifying the Base Prompt, check out this guide:
Modifying the Base Prompt

To learn about creating scripted chat sequences for your AI agent, check out this guide:

Using Suggested Message and AI Assist to create scripted chat sequences

Customers reaching out on Facebook?

Connect Facebook Messenger to and easily handle all customer conversations in your centralized inbox. With AI Assist, you can deploy AI agents to help answer your customers’ questions when you’re busy or unavailable. See these guides to learn more:

Connecting Facebook Messenger to

Connecting multiple Facebook accounts to a property

Setting up AI Assist to handle Facebook conversations

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