Adding a widget to your WordPress website

[Desktop] for WordPress

There are a couple of ways to add a widget to your WordPress site.

  • You can use the WordPress plugin
  • You can install the widget manually using the widget code in your dashboard

Follow the instructions below to start chatting with customers on your WordPress website in just a few clicks. 

To get started, you'll need an active account

Installing a widget using the WordPress plugin

1. Log in to your WordPress Admin panel.

In the left menu, select Plugins Add New.

2. In the upper-right of the Add Plugins page, search for “Tawk.To Live Chat”

3. Select Live Chat by Tawkto in the results and click the Install Now button.

Then, click the blue button to Activate.

4. Find Live Chat in the list of plugins and click Settings.

Note: you can also access this page by selecting Settings in the WordPress dashboard menu.

5. Log in to your account by entering the email and password for your account. Then, select the property and widget you intend to use for your website and click Use Selected Widget.

Congratulations! The widget will now appear on all pages of your WordPress site!

The plugin also supports WordPress Multisite. Learn how to add to a network of WordPress sites in this article: WordPress Multisite 


Visibility Options

You can control the widget's visibility on your site using the Visibility Options menu. By default, the widget will appear on every page of your WordPress website.

Exclude on specific URL

You can hide the widget on specific pages by toggling on Exclude on specific url and entering URLs for the pages on which you do not want the widget to appear.

Turn the toggle off on Always show widget on every page. In the new menu that appears, turn the toggle on for options that fit your needs.

Other Visibility Options

You can limit the display of the widget to specific pages such as the front page, category pages, tag pages, or post pages.

First, use the toggle to deactivate Always show widget on every page.

Then, in the new menu that appears, slide the toggle to the on position for the options that fit your needs.

Include on specific URL

You also have the option to make the widget appear only on specific URLs.

Note: You'll have to enter the full URL of the page on which you want to display the widget. You may list several full URLs in the textbox provided. Don't forget to separate each entry with a comma.

These settings can work with each other, and you can select multiple options. With, you can set the widget visibility based on your specific needs.

Save changes

Always remember to save any changes you make. Click one of the Save Changes buttons to save your configuration.


For WooCommerce, there are additional visibility options. Select WooCommerce Options to view these.

Using the embed code instead of the plugin

You can also add functionality to your site without installing the plugin.

Follow these steps to add the widget to your site using the Widget Code.

To find the embed code for the widget, log in to your account.

If you have multiple properties, check to make sure you're viewing the correct one. Hover over the current property name in the upper-left menu to select a new property from the list.

2. Select ⚙️Administration Channels Chat Widget

Then, click the </> Widget Code to copy it to your clipboard.

3. Log in to your WordPress Admin panel.

In the left menu, select Appearance Theme File Editor.

In the upper right, select the current theme in the drop-down menu (the active theme is usually selected by default).

Under Theme Files, select Theme Footer (footer.php).

In the text area to the left, add the widget embed code right above the closing tag.

Then, click Update File under the text window.

Your widget will now appear on every page of your site.

If you are using Cloudflare for your WordPress site, you can install your widget using Cloudflare Apps. Click here to learn more about that process.

Need help integrating in WordPress? Reach out to our support team or schedule a call.

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