Adding a widget to your Weebly website


It only takes a few steps to add your widget to a Weebly website:

NOTE: The instructions below can only be completed from a browser or the desktop apps. They cannot be completed in the mobile app.

1. Log in to your Weebly account with your credentials

2. Go to My Site Select your website ➞  Edit.

3. Select Settings.

4. Select Search Engine Optimizations (SEO).

5. If you have multiple properties, check to make sure you're viewing the correct one. Hover over the current property name in the upper-left menu to select a new property from the list.

6. Make your way to ⚙️Administration ➞ Channels Chat Widget.

Copy the default Widget Code. Then, in your Weebly settings, paste the code in the Footer Code box.

7. Click Save.

Publish your website and you're done!

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