Viewing, deleting and exporting your chat history
To view or make any changes to your chat history, you'll first need to make your way to the Inbox by clicking the inbox icon in the upper navigation panel of the Dashboard.

If you have multiple properties, check to make sure you’re currently viewing the correct one by hovering over at the top of the Dashboard.

In your Inbox, it's important to choose which messages you want to see.
Below the green Compose Ticket button, you can choose to see just chats, just tickets, or a combination of both by selecting All from the left side of the screen.
To view, delete or export chats, make sure Chats is selected.

Viewing chats
If you're looking for a specific chat, your best bet is to use the Search function in the upper-left corner of the Inbox panel.

Another way to narrow down results, depending on what you're looking for, is using the Filter. You can search by Agent, Minimum number of Message, Rating, Status, Tags, and the date when it was Updated.

If you’re more interested in browsing through a list of all of the most recent chats, make sure you've got the chat list set to just Chats in the upper-left of the Inbox panel.

To narrow the list, you can also filter the list to show chats only from a particular Agent. If you want to see chats you've answered yourself, click your name by scrolling the list, or using the Search bar just above the list to type an Agent's name.

To sort the list by Minumum number of Message, enter a number in the upper bar based on how many messages were sent in the conversation.

An example below is a chat with 2 total messages (the Sytem Message is not counted).

You can also sort the entire list based on the Rating: Positive (thumbs up), Negative (thumbs down), or Neutral (no rating given).

You can also filter the entire list based of the chat's Status: either Open or Closed.

Filter using the Tags used in the chats.

And, finally, you can filter the entire chat list based on the date when it was last Updated using the calendar that will pop up.

Deleting and exporting
You'll need administrative access to the property to be able to either delete or export messages.
To delete a single chat, hover your mouse over to a chat that you want to delete and a checkbox will appear. Filling this checkbox will prompt a few icons at the upper right-hand side of the screen.
Selecting the trash can will delete the selected chat. Deleted messages will be stored in the Trash.

Clicking the Export messages icon will prompt you to enter an email address for receiving the exported messages.

When selecting the Export messages icon, it will prompt you to enter an email address for receiving the exported messages.

To delete or export multiple messages, click the empty checkbox in the upper-left corner above the list. This will select all the messages in the current window and allow you to bulk delete or export.

In case you encounter any issues, our support team is always available. Schedule a call so we can better assist you.