How to change your profile image

The instructions below are for desktops and laptops only.

Your profile image is the default image in your account. It’s the image you will use to join a chat (if you don’t use an alias). It also appears on your dashboard, and in direct messages and group chats.

If you use aliases, visitors will see your selected alias image instead of your profile image. To learn more about using aliases, click here.

For example, here’s how your profile image appears in chats:

Follow these steps to change your profile image:

1. Log in to your account.

2. On your dashboard, click your profile image in the lower left corner.

3. Click Edit Profile.

4. Under Profile Image, click the button with 3 dots.

Click Select Avatar to choose from a library of images or Upload Image to upload an image. We recommend an image that’s at least 512 x 512 pixels. The accepted formats are JPG, JPEG, and PNG.

5. After choosing or uploading an image, click Save.

That’s it! Your new profile image should now appear in chats and direct messages.

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