Deleting a past chat or ticket


All your past chats and tickets are stored on our database indefinitely or until you delete them.

In this article, we’ll show you how to delete your chat history from the Dashboard.

Only an admin has access to delete a past chat or ticket.

Once a chat and visitor session have ended, the chat will be archived in the Inbox area of your Dashboard where you can refer to it later or convert it into a ticket.

Deleting a chat

First, if you have multiple properties, check to make sure you're currently viewing the correct one by hovering over the hamburger icon at the top of the Dashboard.

If you'd like to delete a chat message, you'll need to select it in the Inbox section. Make your way there by clicking the Inbox icon in the upper navigation panel of the Dashboard. Under All, select Chats to view chats only. Click the message you want to delete from the list.

On the upper right-hand side of the chat window, select the hamburger icon and select Delete.

You'll then be given a chance to confirm that you want to delete the message.

Click the red Delete button to send the message to the Trash. The message will remain in the trash until you permanently delete it.

To delete more than one message at a time, navigate back to the Inbox section of your Dashboard. Hover your mouse over the message that you want to delete, and a checkbox will appear. You will then see the Trash can icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Click the trash icon once you have selected the messages you want to delete and you’ll then be given a chance to confirm that you want to delete the message.

To delete all messages, click the empty checkbox in the top left corner above the list to select all the messages in the current window. Then select the Trash can icon on the upper right-hand corner of the screen. You’ll then be given a chance to confirm that you want to delete the message.

From the same selections above, you can also export the message by selecting the Export icon.

Export Messages will require you to enter an email address where the message will be forwarded to.

Deleting a ticket

To delete a ticket, select the Inbox icon in the upper tab menu and click Tickets to view tickets only.

Mark the tickets you want to delete by hovering your mouse to the message. To delete more than one ticket, select multiple tickets at once.

Delete the selected message by clicking the hamburger icon Trash icon in the upper right of the Tickets window.

If you are looking for a specific chat or ticket to delete, you can use one or more filters to narrow your search.

Click the Filter icon to choose from the following options :

  • Assignee - Filter by assigned agent
  • Status - open, or closed chats/tickets
  • Priority
  • Tags
  • Time last updated 

Need help deleting a past chat or ticket? Reach out to our support team or schedule a call.

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