Using the Widget Scheduler


The Widget Scheduler automatically switches your widget offline according to your schedule, so you never have to worry about forgetting to log out of your account. 

It works in tandem with your agents; if there are no agents online when your widget is scheduled to be online, the widget will stay offline.

NOTE: The instructions below can only be completed from a browser or the desktop apps. They cannot be completed in the mobile app.

Here’s how to set up the Widget Scheduler:

If you have multiple properties, check to make sure that you're currently viewing the correct one by hovering over the hamburger icon at the top of the dashboard.

Make your way to ⚙️Administration ChannelsChat Widget.

Under Scheduler, you can make quick changes to the time zone and turn the scheduler on or off. To dive in and set a schedule, click the Advanced button.

Clicking the Advanced option will open a new window. Check to verify that you have the correct time zone and select the days you want the chat widget to be online by toggling the switch under each day.

Once a day is activated, you'll see a line made up of gray and green sections representing the 24 hours of the day. Gray areas on the timeline show when the widget will be set to offline mode. The green sections show when the chat widget will be online.

If you need to break the day up into multiple sections to take a break, you can add another timeline for the same day by clicking the blue + Add New button. If you're still in a chat when the time is scheduled to be turned off, you'll be able to continue the conversation.

You'll need to save the changes you've made and switch the Enable Scheduler button on before any of the changes you've made will take effect.

Your chat widget updates automatically after saving. No need to update the widget code in your page’s HTML.

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