Searching through Tickets

There are many ways to search through your tickets, and discovering the best way to find what you're looking for can save you time.

If you're looking for a specific chat, you can utilize the Search function in the left area of the Inbox section. 

You can also use one or more filters to narrow down your search.

Click the Filter icon in the upper-left corner of the tickets list.

There are five types of filters:

  • Assignee: Filter by assigned department or agent
  • Priority: Filter tickets by priority level (highest,high, medium, low, lowest)
  • Status: Filter chats or tickets by status (open, pending, closed)
  • Tags: Filter by tags
  • Updated: Select a date range to filter chats by the time of the last update

To add another filter, click the Add Filter icon.

For example, if you are looking for open tickets assigned to you, you can combine the Assignee and Status filters. Select You as the assignee and Open as the status and it should do the trick.

If you're more interested in browsing through the list with a specific status, you can set the status to All as seen below.

You can also sort the entire list in either ascending or descending order based on when the ticket was Updated or Created.

In case you encounter any issues, our support team is always available. Schedule a call so we can better assist you.

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