Responding to offline messages via Ticketing

The Ticketing system makes it easy to respond to offline messages in the dashboard.

If you have multiple properties, check to make sure you're viewing the correct one. Hover over the current property name in the upper-left menu to select a new property from the list.

Next, select the Inbox icon in the upper tab menu. Then, select a message and click the Create Ticket button in the lower area of the chat window.

NOTE: You'll need an email to create a ticket from an offline message. If you've included the email field in a pre-chat or offline form and the visitor has filled it out, their email will be added automatically.

A new window will pop up from the right-hand side. You will need to fill in the ticket details, then click the Create button to change the message into a ticket.

If the visitor has an existing email in the system, the current email will be selected by default.

If you wish to use a different email, click the drop-down button, then, select the New Email option and a text box will appear.

Inside the text box, enter the email address you would like to use.

Fill in the ticket details, then click the Create button to change the message into a ticket.

Once the message is sent, the ticket status will change to Open. You can manually change the status by clicking the status button in the upper-right corner of the ticket window. You have three options: Open, Pending, and Closed.

Once you’ve created the ticket, the original offline message’s status will automatically change to Closed

Once you send your message, the visitor will receive a notification by email.

In case you encounter any issues, our support team is always available. Schedule a call so we can better assist you.

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