Exporting Tickets
It’s easy to export tickets, either one at a time or in big batches from the Dashboard.
If you have multiple properties, check to make sure you're viewing the correct one. Hover over the current property name in the upper-right menu to select a new property from the list.

Then, select the Inbox icon in the upper tab menu.

On the left side of the Inbox window, you will see the Inbox panel and from there, select the Tickets tab.

NOTE: You'll need admin access to the property to be able to export tickets.
To Export a single chat, select the chat by ticking the box in the left side. Filling this checkbox will prompt a set of options to appear in the upper-right corner of the chats window.

Click the Export button to export the ticket you selected.

To export multiple tickets, hover your mouse to the left side and click the empty checkbox of the tickets you want to export. This will select the ticked tickets and allow you to bulk export.

Clicking the Export messages button will prompt you to enter an email where you will receive the exported ticket.

Need help exporting Tickets? Reach out to our support team or schedule a call.