Can I transfer a subscription to a different property?

Yes, it's possible to transfer a subscription to a different property. In order to transfer your subscription, you will need to meet these requirements:

  1. You must be the owner and admin for both the source and the target property.
  2. The subscription plan being transferred must be available in the target property. If you are paying an old price for the Rebranding add-on subscription, then you cannot transfer the existing subscription to the target property.
  3. If a property has an existing subscription, then it’s not a valid target.

If you meet these requirements, chat with our team who will organize to have the subscription transferred.

Here are some additional points to consider: 

  • The billing dates will remain the same
  • You can also transfer a canceled subscription
  • All payment and event history in the source subscription is transferred to the target property
  • You cannot remove an agent if they are the admin who signed up and paid for the add-on

Learn more about changing your billing details here: How to change your billing details

If you have other questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team or schedule a call.

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