Setting up tabs on your personal profile page

Having access to information when you're answering a chat can make the difference between a good chat and a great chat.

Tabs help you sort information and access additional functions without having to exit the dashboard. Keeping your workflow all in one place means you can be more efficient while answering a chat and save time for other things.

Making tabs for properties can be useful for big teams, but you can also customize your tabs for answering chats on your Personal Profile page.

To make changes to existing tabs or create a new one from scratch for your Personal Profile page, make your way over to your Profile Icon in the lower-left corner of the dashboard and click the image. Then, select Edit Profile in the popup menu.

Click Profile in the left menu and select Tabs to make any changes to your profile tabs.

Here you'll see a list of all of the current tabs available under the My Tabs heading. The Details, Knowledge Base, Shortcuts, and History tabs are all available by default and offer a quick look at what a tab can be used for.

The Details tab shows data for the current chat. Some details are automatically included, such as the visitor's IP address and operating system. Other information can be entered by you or added with a pre-chat form.

The Knowledge Base and Shortcuts tabs offer another quick way for you to access both of these features. You can see a complete list of all your Shortcuts or sift through your Knowledge Base to find answers to an incoming question.

The History tab displays a record of past chats. Choose to view either chats with your current visitor or all chats on the property. If you can see this isn't the first time the visitor has entered a chat, you can quickly read through the previous chats to review the last conversation or jump to a past chat with a similar situation for a hit on how to answer the visitor's questions. 

The Details, Knowledge Base, Shortcuts, and History tabs can't be edited, but they can be deleted or disabled. To make changes to an existing tab, hover over it in the list and options will pop up for deleting or disabling the tab. If it's a custom tab, you'll also see a pencil icon you can click to edit your tab.

The Preview function on the right side of the Tabs page gives you a quick glimpse of what you'll see when viewing a tab while answering a chat. You can cycle through the different tabs by clicking the symbols for each at the top of the window.

To create a new tab, click the green + Add Tab button in the upper-right corner and choose from one of the three options.


Adding a URL tab allows you to embed a website within the tab. You just need to give the tab a name and enter the URL.

This tab can be used as a handy way to reach pages you commonly refer to. Create a URL tab for any commonly visited web pages and you'll have quick and easy access right there in the chat. You can even include a tab for forms, booking systems, or Google docs

+ Text

The Text tab is helpful for making sure you have access to specific information within the chat. You can include answers to commonly asked questions, outline policies, or create guides to follow.

+ Menu

A Menu tab acts purely as a way to organize your other tabs. Within a Menu tab, you can list your Text and URL Tabs so users can easily navigate by clicking on the tab within a chat. If you're worried about taking up a lot of space with multiple custom tabs, menu tabs help to keep the clutter to a minimum.

You can also assign an icon to represent any tab at a glance by clicking on the image next to the Tab name text box.

This opens a new window and allows you to choose an icon from the list of available symbols.

If you have other questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team or schedule a call.

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