Managing and creating profile shortcuts

Shortcuts are template responses you can use while chatting with visitors to save time and make sure your responses are accurate and consistent.

Profile Shortcuts are Shortcuts that are only accessible when you're answering chats on your Personal Profile page. You won't be able to see them when answering chats on any other property.

To make a new Profile Shortcut or manage the ones you're already using, make your way over to your Profile Icon in the lower-left corner of the dashboard and click the image.

Then, select Edit Profile in the popup menu.

Select Profile in the left menu. Then, select Profile Shortcuts.

Here you'll see a complete list of all your Profile Shortcuts along with an option to add multiple new Shortcuts at once with a CSV file by using the Import from CSV button in the upper right.

To make changes to an existing Shortcut, simply select it in the list and edit as needed. Don’t forget to click the green Save button in the lower-right corner once done.

To create a new Profile Shortcut, click the green Add Shortcut button in the upper-right corner.

You'll now see a new window for creating Profile Shortcuts

Each Shortcut is made up of three parts: a title, message, and Suggested Messages. The title you provide in the Enter Shortcut text box will function as a way to recall it quickly.

Suggested Messages are optional text choices shown to the visitor. It prompts the visitor on how they should respond. To add a Suggested Message, simply click the Add Message button then enter the text in the input field. 

To more Suggested Messages, click the Add Message button. You can add up to four.

Learn more about Suggested Messages here: Suggested Messages and AI Questions

Once you've set up a Shortcut, you can simply type forward-slash ( / ) followed by the title of the Shortcut while chatting with a visitor. Your Shortcut will be replaced in the chat with the text you added to the Enter Message text box.

In the example in the image above, the title of the Shortcut is "test", meaning if you're in a chat with a visitor and you type "/test" the text will be replaced with "This is a test message." It's best to give your Shortcuts short titles with as few characters as possible so you can use them quickly.

Changing a profile shortcut from Public to Personal has no effect because no one else can answer chats for you on your profile page. Either way, all profile shortcuts are personal.

Once you've got your new Shortcut set up the way you want, make sure to click the green Save button in the lower-right corner.

Since these are all Profile Shortcuts, make sure to keep them all to do with specific things that are likely to come up in conversations on your personal profile page.

If you have other questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team or schedule a call.

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