What file types and sizes are supported in tawk.to?

This chart shows the minimum and maximum file sizes you can upload in the tawk.to Dashboard and the types of files supported. 

FileMin. Dimensions/File SizeMax Dimensions/File SizeFile Type
File uploads via the widget__ 50 MBJPG, PNG, JPEG, PDF, .docx
Property Image (Logo) 512 x 512 px1MBJPG, PNG, JPEG
Alias and Profile images512 x 512 px2048 x 2048 px; 1MBJPG, PNG, JPEG
Attention Grabber image__ 1MBJPG, PNG, JPEG
Account Profile Image, Profile Page Image or Chat Page Image80 x 80 px2048 x 2048 pxJPG, PNG, JPEG
Knowledge Base Logo80 x 80 px2048 x 2048 pxJPG, PNG, JPEG
Favicon and Touch Icon152 x 152 px1 MBJPG, PNG, JPEG
Knowledge Base Social Media Banner80 x 80 px2048 x 2048 px; 2 MBJPG, PNG, JPEG
Knowledge Base Header Banner: 1920 x 480 px; other sizes will tile by default80 x 80 px2048 x 2048 pxJPG, PNG, JPEG
Knowledge Base Article Image: When displaying an image in a Knowledge Base article, the browser will automatically set the image to a size that fits the article width. If the image size is 1024 X 1024, but the article size requires 600 px, then the image will be resized to 600 px.5 MBJPG, PNG,  JPEG, GIF
Knowledge Base Article Social Media Banner80 x 80 px2048 x 2048 px; 2 MBJPG, PNG, JPEG
Image Card in widget— 5 MBJPG, PNG,  JPEG, GIF

Learn about what file types are unsupported in tawk.to: What file types and sizes are unsupported in tawk.to?

If you have other questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team or schedule a call.

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