Why aren't my tabs showing the URL content?

If you've added a URL to a tab in your tawk.to dashboard and it's not displaying as expected, this guide will help you troubleshoot and resolve the issue.

The Tabs feature allows you to add resources—such as text, direct messages, group chats, and web pages—directly to your dashboard. This enables your team to access essential information without leaving the dashboard.

For detailed instructions on creating and managing tabs, see this guide: Creating and managing tabs

Requirements for adding URLs to Tabs

To ensure that URLs display correctly within a tab, they must meet the following criteria:

  • HTTPS protocol
    The URL should begin with 'https://', indicating it is secured with an SSL certificate.
    Correct: https://tawk.to
    Incorrect: http://tawk.to or tawk.to

  • Mobile compatibility
    The webpage must support mobile viewing so that it’s displayed properly within the tab.

Troubleshooting steps

If your embedded URL isn't loading, check the following:

Verify HTTPS

Confirm that the URL starts with 'https://'.

Inspect the console for errors

Right-click on the page, select 'Inspect', and go to the 'Console' tab to check for errors. Look for an 'X-Frame-Options' policy error.

  • If it’s set to 'sameorigin', the content can only be displayed within frames on its own domain.

  • If it’s set to 'DENY', the content is prevented from being displayed anywhere.

The 'X-Frame-Options' policy on the target domain should be adjusted or removed by the website's administrator. If the content is sensitive, consider hosting it on a private URL.

Additional information

Referrer Policy settings

Improper Referrer Policy settings can affect the functionality of embedded content. Learn how to adjust these settings in this guide: How to change the Referrer-Policy setting on your website

Content Security Policy issues

If you're experiencing problems with content not displaying correctly, it might be related to Content Security Policy settings. Learn how to resolve these issues in this guide: How to resolve Content Security Policy (CSP) issues blocking widgets and images

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