Tabs not displaying URL content

You may have embedded a URL in a tab and found the content did not load. In this article, we’ll look at troubleshooting steps to keep your content appearing in the tab when you need it.

The Tabs feature allows you to add text, direct messages, group chats and even web pages inside the dashboard so your team doesn't have to leave the Dashboard to find crucial information.

Learn more about how to create custom tabs in this article: Creating and managing tabs

There are two requirements for URLs added to a tab:

1 - The domain must be HTTPS secured.

2 - For usability purposes, the page should support a mobile view.

If the content of the URL isn't loading in the Tab once you've embedded it, please check to make sure the link leads with 'https://’ and the URL is HTTPS secured.

For example:




If the content still does not load, it might be due to a security policy on the domain.

To troubleshoot, check the console logs: Right-click → Inspect → Console.

It will most likely show an 'X-Frame-Options' policy error similar to this:

If the value is set to 'sameorigin', the domain will only allow embedded content to be displayed in frames that are on the website itself (it will be blocked on others, such as

If the value is set to 'DENY', it will prohibit the embedded content from being shown everywhere.

For the embed to display, the 'X-Frame-Options' policy needs to be removed.

If there is sensitive content or the URL is public and they don't want to allow third parties to embed it, we suggest copying the content to a private URL that isn't linked anywhere on the Internet.

This is best discussed with the web admin.

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