Managing your billing

The Billing page allows you to keep track of and make adjustments to any add-ons you've purchased.

If you have multiple properties, check to make sure you're viewing the correct one. Hover over the current property name in the upper-right menu to select a new property from the list.

To manage your billing, make your way to ⚙️Administration Billing.

On the Purchases and Invoices page, you'll see a list of your active and previously canceled add-ons along with a breakdown of the price and frequency of your payments, the purchase date for each add-on, when you'll next be charged and your payment details.

Canceling an Add-on

You can cancel an active add-on by selecting the Cancel Subscription button below the Billing Address.

A new window will pop and select one under Reasons for canceling the service. Then click on the red Yes, cancel subscription to confirm the changes.

Modifying your payment method

To change your payment method, just click the blue Modify option next to your listed Payment method. 

You'll then be given an option to enter a new payment method using either PayPal or a credit card. Once done, click the green Activate Now button in the lower right to confirm the payment method.

Changing or adding a billing address

You can enter a billing address by selecting the blue Add option next to your Billing address.

Enter your new address. Then, click the Save button to update your changes.

Managing invoices

An admin purchasing a new add-on will receive invoices at their email address by default. You can unsubscribe from these invoice emails by clicking the green Email receipts checkbox or change the email address invoice will be sent to by entering a new email address in the drop-down menu.

If you make any changes, be sure to click the green Save button on the right.

To view a copy of the latest invoice, click the date of the invoice. The invoice will instantly be opened in a new tab.

Here is a sample copy of the invoice:

If you have other questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team or schedule a call.

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