Video + Voice + Screensharing add-on

The Video + Voice + Screensharing add-on is an optional way to communicate with your visitors via video chat, voice calls, and two-way screen sharing.

To purchase the Video + Voice + Screensharing add-on or learn more about how it works, make your way to the ⚙️Administration panel by selecting the gear icon in the upper tab menu. Then, select Add-ons.

If you have multiple properties, check to make sure you're viewing the correct one. Hover over the current property name in the upper-right menu to select a new property from the list.

To purchase the Video + Voice + Screensharing add-on, select it from the list of Add-ons. You'll see an Overview with an in-depth explanation of the features and benefits.

Clicking the green Activate Now button in the top right corner will start the purchase.

Now choose from either monthly or annual payments and select a payment method. You can choose from either PayPal or Credit Card payment options. Then, click the green Activate Now button in the lower right to complete the payment.

Congratulations! You can now start voice calls, video conversations, and screenshares right from your widget.

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