Adjusting mail notifications

The instructions below are for desktops and laptops only.

Mail notifications ensure that team members are promptly informed about missed chats, offline messages, and new tickets. This helps in addressing customer queries as soon as possible, increasing accountability and efficiency within your support team.

Here are the types of notifications you can set:

  • Chat Transcripts

  • Send chat transcripts to a specific department and up to 5 team members. When a chat ends, recipients will get a transcript of the entire conversation via email.

  • New Tickets
  • Notify administrators and up to 5 team members when new support tickets are created. Recipients will get an email with the ticket details such as ticket ID, customer’s name, subject line, and message.


    • ​​The recipients listed here will be notified when a new ticket is created, as long as the ticket is not assigned to a team member.

    • If a ticket is assigned to a team member, only that team member will be notified when the ticket is created. Also, only they’ll be notified when a customer or other team members reply to that ticket.

    • If a team member who isn’t assigned replies to a ticket, they won’t be notified of their activities.

    Learn more about creating and responding to tickets here.

  • Offline Form

    When your support team isn’t available, you can offer a form in the chat for customers to provide their details. You’ll find the settings for this form on the Chat Widget settings page, under Widget Content.

    Recipients will get customers' details via email and can get back to them immediately. Notify a specific department and up to 5 team members when customers fill up this form.

    Here’s an example of the offline form:

  • Missed Chat
  • A missed chat is when the customer starts a conversation but no one responds. Notify a specific department and up to 5 team members when a chat is missed.

Follow these steps to set your mail notifications:

1. Log in to your account.

2. On your dashboard, select the property for which you want to set mail notifications. Hover over the property name to ensure you’ve selected the correct one.

3. Click the gear icon on the top menu to go to the Administration panel.

4. On the Administration menu, under Settings, select Mail Notifications.

5. These are the notifications you can set:

Chat Transcripts
If you select Department selected in prechat form, chat transcripts will be emailed to the department that customers choose in the pre-chat form and up to other 5 agents/email addresses.

If you select Nobody, you can still add up to 5 agents/email addresses.

To turn off this notification, choose Nobody and remove the agents/email addresses.

New Tickets
If you select All, copies of new tickets will be emailed to everyone who’s been added to your dashboard.

If you select Only Admins, copies of new tickets will be emailed to the administrators of your dashboard.
You can also add up to 5 agents (even if you select Nobody).
To turn off this notification, choose Nobody and remove the agents.

Offline Form
If you select Department selected in prechat form, customers’ offline forms will be emailed to the department that customers choose in the pre-chat form and up to other 5 agents/email addresses.

If you select Nobody, you can still add up to 5 agents/email addresses.

turn off this notification, choose Nobody and remove the agents/email addresses.

Missed Chats
If you select Department selected in prechat form, missed chats will be emailed to the department that customers choose in the pre-chat form and up to other 5 agents/email addresses.

If you select Nobody, you can still add up to 5 agents/email addresses.

turn off this notification, choose Nobody and remove the agents/email addresses.

6. Check your settings and click Save.

Using mail notifications, you and your team can stay up-to-date with customer interactions on your website. With more streamlined customer communication, your team can focus on delivering exceptional support and resolving issues efficiently.

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