Advanced Triggers


Advanced Triggers allow you to send customized automated messages to visitors on your websites and Chat Pages. These are the most complicated types of triggers to set up. However, once you get the hang of it, you’ll be able to reach out to your visitors with powerful automated messages based on their past actions and any conditions you set.

NOTE: The instructions below can only be completed from a browser or the desktop apps. They cannot be completed in the mobile app.

Please note that if you have multiple properties, check to make sure you're viewing the correct one. Hover over the current property name in the upper-left menu to select a new property from the list.

To get started, make your way to ⚙️AdministrationSettings Triggers.

Create a new trigger by clicking the Add Trigger button in the upper-right corner of the screen.

There are four kinds of triggers: Basic - Page Notification, Basic - Chat Rescuer, Basic - Site Notification and Advanced.

Click the drop-down box below Trigger Type and choose Advanced.

After choosing the Advanced trigger type, you’ll see new options for setting up your trigger.

Trigger Name

Labeling your trigger will help you stay organized as your list of triggers grows.

Name your trigger according to its function so it will be easy to find and edit if needed in the future.

Trigger Description

The Trigger Description is extra helpful if other Property Members have editing access. By simply reading the Trigger Description, a property member will be able to understand the purpose of each trigger and how it will be used.

To show your new message only once to each visitor, check the box as shown below.


Conditions determine when a trigger is fired.

Run Trigger

When you click the drop-down box under Run Trigger, you will be presented with three choices: When a visitor has loaded the chat widget, When a visitor requests a chat and When a visitor sends a chat message.

If you choose the When a visitor has loaded the chat widget option, the advanced trigger will be fired when a visitor opens a page or site on which the chat widget is installed.

The When a visitor requests a chat option will fire the trigger when a visitor send the first message or completes the pre-chat form.

Finally, choosing When a visitor sends a chat message will initiate the advanced trigger when a visitor sends a message using the chat widget.


When you click the drop-down box under Check, you will be presented with two options: ALL of the following conditions and ANY of the following conditions.

Choose ALL of the following conditions to require the visitor to meet all conditions you’ve added before your trigger is initiated.

Selecting ANY of the following conditions allows the advanced trigger to be fired even if only one of the added conditions is met.


The Time/Date category includes several sub-options you can choose from.

The Hour of day option enables you to select a specific hour or time range for your trigger to be active.

 This allows you to properly greet each visitor with a "Good morning," "Good afternoon" or "Good evening" message. You can also acknowledge any visitor messages sent outside of store hours with a customized note.

Click Day of week to generate separate greetings for weekdays and weekends.

Select Visitor time on page or Visitor time on site to set a countdown before your trigger is fired based on the time your visitor spends on a specific page or the overall site.

Still on site and Still on page allow you to set a delay before checking the next condition. 

Location of Visitor

The Location of Visitor condition allows you to set a trigger according to the IP address, hostname, city or country of your visitor.

Select Visitor IP to select, block or filter visitors according to a specific IP address.

You can find a user’s IP address under the name and email address fields in the Details tab of the user details pane. This pane appears in the upper right-hand part of your screen when you select any active chat, past message, or ticket.

To set a trigger according to geographical location, select Visitor city name or Visitor country. You can set the trigger to match, include or exclude each location you would like to target.  

Previous Visit Information

Setting up a trigger according to previous visit information allows you to customize greetings to acknowledge your loyal and consistent visitors.

You can set a trigger based on how many times a visitor has already checked out your site. To get started, select the Visitor previous visits option in the drop-down menu.

Include “less than” in this condition to stop sending the message to a visitor after they have visited your site a certain number of times.

To get started, select the Visitor previous visits option in the drop-down menu.

Enter the specific number of times a visitor needs to open your site before the advanced trigger fires as shown below:

The same goes when choosing Visitor previous chats. Enter the specific number of times a visitor needs to chat with an agent before the advanced trigger fires.

You can reward your loyal visitors by offering them discounts or presenting items they might be interested in purchasing.

Page information

The Page information option allows you to set up triggers according to the way a visitor explores your site.

Your first option is to match, include, or exclude the Visitor page URL of a specific page your visitor must view for the Advanced Trigger to be fired.

Under Visitor page count, set your trigger according to the number of pages a visitor must view on your site before a trigger fires or once they have viewed a certain number of pages, it will no longer fire. This can mean that you could set-up a trigger based on a number of different pages, but the visitor will only ever receive one of these messages.

Select Visitor page title to set your trigger according to the title or title keyword in a page your visitor views.

Finally, select Previous page to set your trigger based on the URL of any page your visitor has viewed. Use this feature to request feedback based on the content of a particular page.

Visitor Information

Triggers based on Visitor Information will help you know if a guest post you wrote on a blog is driving traffic to your own site. You can also find out how well the social media ads you’re paying for are working.

Knowing where your visitors came from will give you better ideas for engaging them by presenting relevant offers and conversation-starters.

Enter a specific Visitor Name if you want to present a special offer to a particular visitor.

For Visitor Referrer, enter the URL of a website containing a link to your own site to discover which links are driving traffic to your website.

Under Visitor search engine, you can select the search engine referring the visitor to your website. Select your choice from the drop down list.

Select Visitor search terms to enter a keyword so you can match offers and promos to the products and solutions your visitors are searching for.

Software/Computer of Visitor

The Software/Computer of Visitor option is helpful if you want to offer basic support advice according to the browser or operating system your visitor is using. This condition will also tell you if a visitor is viewing your site using a mobile device.

Enter a keyword or exact term to filter according to a browser's user agent string (UA). The user string includes information about which browser, browser version and operating system are being used by a visitor.

Under this section, you can also set your trigger according to the browser your visitor is using.

You can also set the trigger according to your visitor’s operating system.

Online Statuses

The Online statuses section allows you to set a trigger based on how your visitor is using their account. A user's status may be online or away.

The Account Status determines if the account of the user is logged in (online) or logged out (away).

The User Status condition checks to see if the user is either logged in to and using their account (online) or logged without account tab being open (away).

Chat-Related Information

The Chat-Related Information section allows you to set conditions based on information about past chats.

Under this section, the visitor requesting chat option allows you to set up a trigger based on whether the visitor requests a chat.

If you set this to False it is a great way to ensure your message won’t be sent if the visitor has requested a chat.

You can also set up a trigger based on whether the visitor has already begun a conversation with an agent. To do this, choose the Visitor served option. If you set this to False, it is a great way to ensure your message won’t be sent if the visitor is already in a chat.

Use the Message section to specify, include, or exclude certain words or messages from the visitor to set off the trigger.


After setting up the conditions that need to be met before the trigger goes off, the Actions section is where you assign what you want the trigger to do once those conditions are met.

Send message to visitor

Select Send message to visitor to pre-load a message from a particular agent. Set up the agent's name that you want to show along with the message you want to send. You can also add the agent's image or an avatar.


Wait allows you to set up a delay of 10 seconds up to one hour — or no delay at all — before another action takes place.

Set Name of Visitor

In Set Name of Visitor, you can customize your trigger based on the name of your visitor, which you can set up in the Conditions section. 

Append Note

Choosing Append Note allows you to attach or send a note internally if there is something that you want the site administrators to be informed about.

Replace Note

Lastly, you can use this action to replace a note already sent to the visitor if the previous one is not applicable to what he or she is looking for.

You have the option to add Suggested Messages for both Append and Replace Notes. Suggested Messages are optional text choices shown to the visitor. It prompts the visitor on how they should respond. 

Learn more about Suggested Messages here: Suggested Messages and AI Questions

Need to add more than one action for a trigger? Simply click the Add Action button below the first action you’ve set up.

When everything looks good, click the Save button at the bottom right corner of your screen to confirm your settings.

After clicking Save, you will be directed to the list of triggers you’ve created.

You can create up to 20 triggers per property.

You’re all set. If you would like some more help setting up or understanding Advanced Triggers, please schedule a call with one of our team here.

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