What is the Knowledge Base?

The Knowledge Base is a place where visitors and agents can quickly and easily gather and share information. You can include tutorials, frequently asked questions, policies, procedures, advanced tips and guides. Whatever you use it for, it's super easy to add to, publish and update. And if you're wondering what it looks like, well, you're looking at it. In fact, this explanation of the Knowledge Base was published using the Knowledge Base. That’s right, the entire tawk.to help center was created using the Knowledge Base.

While having a central place to keep information is handy, the major benefit of using the Knowledge Base is how easy it is to navigate. Articles can be organized into categories. Related articles can be offered up to the reader for more information if they want to dive even deeper. And if your reader is looking for something specific and not sure where to start, the search bar at the top has got you covered.

Add text, images, and videos — anything you want to share. If you're covering all the bases with in-depth tutorials, you can add an instructional video and include a step-by-step text explanation for those who want to skim ahead or won't sit through a whole video. Once an article is published, it will also be indexed by Google.

It doesn't matter how your visitors find your Knowledge Base. It's automatically formatted for both mobile and desktop, so you know it will look clean either way. You just need to make some design decisions to decide how you want it to look. Or if design's not your thing, keep the default setting. It's your information — how you present it is up to you.

The best way to see what the Knowledge Base can do is to take it for a test drive. It's available in your account now. Once you get set up in the ⚙️Administration section, you'll be ready to start publishing helpful articles by selecting the Knowledge Base tab in the upper icon menu of the dashboard. If you have any questions, we've also published a full step-by-step guide to help get you started.

Learn how to set up your knowledge base in this article: Setting up your Knowledge Base

If you need further help or if you have questions, reach out to our support team by scheduling a call

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