How to customize a profile in Contacts

Contacts is a central hub where you can see all your chats, messaging, and more across multiple channels in real time. You can customize each profile by adding job titles, social links, organizations, custom attributes, and more.

To view and customize an individual contact’s profile, log in to your account.

If you have multiple properties, check to make sure you're viewing the correct one. Hover over the current property name in the upper-left menu to select a new property from the list.

Then, make your way to ContactsPeople and select a name in the list.

This opens a new view where you can add your contact’s photo, contact information, job title, social profiles, and any of 34+ attributes available for sorting and segmenting. 

Add or change a contact’s name and profile image

In the upper-right corner of each personal profile, click the pencil icon to edit your contact’s name. 

To add or change a profile image for your contact, click the plus (+) icon in the upper right corner of the image.

Select an image from your device for upload.

Then, click the Save icon to confirm any changes you make.

Add profile details

Customize the About section

Click the About icon to edit and customize your contact’s personal details. 

By default, the About section includes fields for an email address, phone number, job title, and tags.

To add an additional attribute, click + Add Attribute and select an attribute in the pull-down menu. 

To create a new attribute, select + New Custom Attribute.

Enter the details for your new attribute in the popup window that appears.

Under Name, enter a value for the label of your new custom attribute.

Under Key, you have the option to add a custom attribute key. This value may include lower-case letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens.

Finally, click Format to open a drop-down menu with a list of format options for the new attribute.

The format options include the following:

  • Short Text (Max 250 characters)
  • Number
  • Decimal Number
  • True or False
  • Date
  • Long Text (Max 2048 characters)
  • List (Single Selection)
  • List (Multi Selection)

Select a format. Then, click the Create button.  

Enter a value for your new attribute.

Then, click the Save icon to confirm your new attribute.

Add Social Media profiles

To the right of the About icon, click the Share icon to add or edit information about your contact’s profiles on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram.

Click the pencil icon to the right of each social media channel to add or edit the URL or handle associated with the contact’s profile. Then, click Save to confirm your changes.

Add an Organization

In the Organization pane, you can link the new contact to an existing organization listed in Contacts for the same property.

If the contact’s organization does not appear in the list as an option, you can add it in the Organizations section of the main Contacts panel.

Learn about adding an organization to contacts in this article: How to add and delete organizations in Contacts

Learn all about adding new contacts in this article: How to add, export and delete contacts

Read our guide to managing contacts here: How to manage contacts

Need more help? Reach out to our support team or schedule a call

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