Changing the content on the minimized widget

[Desktop] makes it easy to completely customize your widget's design and content. Customizing your widget will help make the widget’s appearance consistent with your brand and engage more visitors in chat.

When customizing your widget, you can choose between a rectangle or circle widget.

The circle widget is a great choice if you want something simple or if you have limited space in your web page.

On the other hand, a rectangle widget offers additional options for customization. You can do the following:

  • Change the minimized width and height
  • Adjust the top and bottom radius (the curve of the edges)
  • Change the message that appears on the minimized chat widget

Note: There is no option to change the text in the minimized widget for mobile. You can only customize the widget content in desktop.

You can learn more about changing the appearance of the widget in this article: Changing the appearance of the chat widget

To make changes to your widget’s content, make your way to the ⚙️Administration panel by selecting the gear icon in the upper tab menu.

Then, under Channels, select Chat Widget.

If you have multiple properties, check to make sure you're viewing the correct one. Hover over the current property name in the upper-left menu to select a new property from the list.

In the Widget Content section, click the Edit Content button.

In the Widget State section, you will see tabs for Online, Away, Offline, and Pre-Chat.

You can change the text for each status in the Minimized Status Text area.

Click the text field to view a preview of the minimized widget. Then, type in the text you wish to appear. Click outside the text field to automatically save your changes.

Your chat widget updates automatically after saving. No need to update the widget code in your page’s HTML.

Great job! You have successfully customized the text for your minimized widget.

Need help changing the content on the minimized widget? Reach out to our support team or schedule a call

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