Using Smart Reply

Smart Reply uses AI technology to generate a suggested response to a query or statement made by a customer. Using Smart Reply will enable you and your team to respond faster and more accurately. It will produce a response in seconds that is grammatically correct based on the data you have provided. Smart Reply will do all the heavy lifting at the click of a button. You’re a genius!

Where can it be used? 

Currently, there are two areas where Smart Reply can be used:

1. When responding to a live chat. 

2. When responding to a ticket.

As we continue to grow, we're excited about the prospect of expanding this feature to other parts of the dashboard, especially the Knowledge Base.

How to use it?

Using Smart Reply is literally as easy as the click of a button. Simply click Smart Reply ( in blue ), and the system will generate the response. A message “ Smart Reply is typing ” with three wavy dots beside it will appear to let you know that the response is being created.   

Once the response appears you can either:

- Send the response, by clicking the send button in the bottom right hand corner.

- Edit the response, as you would a normal message and then send it.

- Click Smart Reply again to generate a new response. 

How does Smart Reply generate a response?

To ensure accurate and consistent responses, Smart Reply relies on selected data sources that you determine. There are three data sources used by AI Assist for this purpose. These are:

- Your Knowledge Base

- Shortcuts

- Text Input

The more relevant your data source is, the better AI Assist will respond. Just like training a new team member, using AI Assist is an iterative process. It means that you may need to refine and improve the AI's responses over time.

Keep in mind. The plan you have selected will determine how much data can be entered in these three areas.

The table below shows the price and the maximum number of characters allowed as your data source for each plan. 

Knowledge Base as a Data Source:  

The Knowledge Base serves as an easily accessible online library for customers and team members alike. You can fill your Knowledge base with a wide range of valuable resources; informative tutorials, frequently asked questions (FAQs), comprehensive policies and procedures, tips and tricks, and in-depth guides. The beauty of it all is that you can effortlessly add new content, publish it for easy access, and keep it up to date with minimal effort.

Learn more about our free Knowledge Base product in this article: What is the Knowledge Base

In this article you can learn how to set it up: Setting up your Knowledge Base

If you haven’t had time to set up your Knowledge Base, or don’t want to use it as a reference you can easily choose not to.

To allow or block Smart Reply from using your Knowledge Base as a reference, select the ⚙️Administration (gear) icon in the upper tab menu. Then, under Add Ons, select AI Assist and then Settings.

Scroll down ( past persona ) until you find the area titled Data Source. Here you will be able to toggle on and off the use of your Knowledge Base ( Help Center ) as well as select which one you would like to use. 

Below this, you have the option to select All Categories, or use the checkboxes to select which Categories you would like Smart Reply to pull data from. 

Shortcuts as a Data Source:

Shortcuts provide you with ready-made template responses that can be utilized during live chat conversations with visitors. These time-saving tools ensure that your responses are not only accurate but also maintain a consistent tone and style across interactions.

You can learn more about creating and managing shortcuts in this article: Creating and Managing Shortcuts

Toggle the switch just below the heading Shortcuts to the on position (green) to allow Smart Reply access to this data in order to generate a response. 

You can choose to utilize all the shortcuts within this property, or, if you prefer, click on the arrow beside All Shortcuts for the ability to select specific shortcuts to use.

Under the Shortcut menu, you will have the ability to create new shortcuts by clicking the Add Shortcut button as well as editing the existing shortcuts by clicking the pen icon in the drop down menu.

Finally you can opt to have Smart Reply reference the Text area as a data source.

Text as a Data Source:

Below the area where you can add shortcuts, you will see a blank area titled Text. In this area, you can add up to 10,000 characters about your business, product or service. When generating a response for yourself or your team, Smart Reply will reference the information you have entered here. 

Lastly, Smart Reply will reference the Information area of the AI Settings menu.

The Information area in AI Settings is made up of two sections. One is a short description about your business which Smart Reply will reference in the same way it references the text input above and the second is the Base Prompt which plays a crucial role. 

The base prompt is the foundation or guiding instructions for Smart Reply. It is the set of rules or principles Smart Reply follows when generating a response.

We offer a thoroughly tested and proven base prompt for your convenience. Altering the Base Prompt is helpful to create a more tailored message for your business. However, making modifications to this base prompt can have a negative impact on the response that is generated.

Once you have edited the Base Prompt, should you ever encounter dissatisfaction with the responses generated by Smart Reply, you can easily choose the reset option to revert it back to its original setup.

You can learn more about modifying your base prompt in this article - Modifying the Base Prompt

After reading this article, you should have a better grasp of our Smart Reply feature, but if you still have questions or need further support, don’t hesitate to schedule a call with one of our team via this link.

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