Facebook Messenger: Troubleshooting message delivery issues

If you see a delivery failure error next to a message in your conversation, it means the message could not be sent successfully via Facebook Messenger. 

Why am I seeing this error?

According to Facebook’s Handover Protocol, tawk.to must be set as the active thread owner for sending and receiving messages. If you’re experiencing issues, here are a couple of common reasons:

  • You might be missing permissions for tawk.to.

  • Your Facebook Page could have incorrect default app settings.

How to fix it

Follow these steps:

1. On your Facebook page, go to Page Settings > Page setup > Advanced messaging > Connected Apps.

2. Click Edit next to tawk.to Omnichannel Inbox.

3. Under Messenger Permissions, turn on the toggles for Access standby channel and Take control of conversations.

4. If your Facebook Page is connected to multiple apps, ensure tawk.to Omnichannel Inbox is the Primary receiver for handover protocol.

On your Facebook Page, go to Page Settings > Page Setup > Advanced Messaging.

Under App Settings > Messenger Receiver, click Configure. Set tawk.to Omnichannel Inbox as the Primary receiver for handover protocol.
If you’re still experiencing message delivery issues, write to us at support@tawk.to, attach a screenshot of your Connected Apps settings, and we’ll help you further.

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