Disconnecting a Facebook page

The instructions below are for desktops and laptops only.

You can disconnect your Facebook page from tawk.to with the following steps:
1. Log in to your tawk.to account.

2. On your dashboard, select the property from which you want to disconnect your Facebook account. Hover over the property name to ensure you’ve selected the correct one.

3. Click Administration on the top menu.

4. Click Channels and select FB Messenger on the left menu.

4. Click the 3 dots next to Connected and click Disconnect. If you have multiple Facebook pages connected, ensure you’re disconnecting the correct page.

Your changes are effective immediately, and your Facebook page will be disconnected right after clicking Disconnect.
To re-connect, click the 3 dots and select Connect.

In the pop-up that appears, log in to your Facebook account, and follow the instructions to re-connect your account. 

To re-visit the steps to connect your Facebook account, see the following guide:
Connecting Facebook Messenger to tawk.to

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