Providing the best quality service: Nathan Romano, CEO, HyperHost

The Extra is what makes you buy that product … and it goes a long way. For a real long way. Because the relationship you start having with your customer is a personal one. It's not a robot, a machine answering questions and basically telling you to blog off because no one wants to talk to you. It's humans on the other side listening to you and answering questions.
— Nathan Romano, CEO, HyperHost.

How do you deliver the Extra that sets your business apart, increases customer loyalty and reduces churn? We spoke with Nathan Romano, CEO of HyperHost, to learn how they're using’s free tools to keep hosting clients close to their customers.

1 - First of all, can you tell us a little bit about your business?

We're a hosting company. We're bringing the best hosting options for everyone. We have unlimited hosting for people that need to have fast websites. Our speeds are higher than most. Our prices are lower than most. We are compatible with basically any website builder that you want to use, be it Elementor, Divi, or Breezy. Anyone can use us.

And we have extras like SSD drives and global CDN. It's something no one gives you. We have it. Free SSL certificates, backups every day for 30 days, so you can go back 20 days during that time and restore your website, free migrations, email accounts with 10GB each … It works

2 - How do you use at HyperHost?

We install it in every website that we manage. We also offer to some of our customers the service of managing their live chat. So we manage about 15 to 20 websites at the moment from within

3 - Why did you choose to use and partner with

We believe in what you believe. You're a very good company, and the way you give something out there to people, it's like over-delivering. It's the same thing we do. We love to overdeliver. We love to have people join us.

We give a 30-day free trial. If people can't afford us by just purchasing their domain with us or moving their domain over to us, we'll give them free hosting. We want people to be able to have a website just as you like people to have a live chat on their website.

4 - How do you promote

When we start with our customers, when we build websites, because that's part of what we do, when they want to have live chat, we offer because it's free. And it is very, very powerful.

The things has I haven't been able to find in any other chat. The fact that you can manage the widget to change the color, to change the position, to have different agents and manage several companies from one place … That you can't do anywhere else. You have to open a different [account] for each company or go into each one of the websites and manage it from inside the website.

With, you don't have to do that. You just open the panel, and that's it. You're connected.

5 - What benefits are you seeing as a result of sharing

[Our clients are] happier because they can talk to the customers. Customers love it when they can ask you a question. They can see that there's someone behind the screen that's actually caring. 

One of the things we check a lot before we hire any company … The first thing I do is open a chat. See if someone is out there trying to answer, trying to catch me as a customer. If I don't [receive] a reply when they want to sell, I don't purchase anything. Because if they don't tend to you when they're selling to you, they won't tend to you when you need their support.

6 - What advice can you share with new partners at

Do things right. Check what needs to be done. Learn the basics, which is simple enough. It takes no time. Get it installed on your website and get started chatting with your customers.

The most important part, and this is what's [our] philosophy, is the customer quality control. When you want to provide the best quality service possible … when you go above and beyond, then customers will react to it. They will see that you do something that others don't.

Because everybody sells the same product. What is the difference between your iPhone and my iPhone, for example? It's the same phone. The only difference when we purchase it is the person that's selling it to us. You go to a place where you have no service. They don't treat you nice, you don't buy it. But if you go in the store to buy it, they treat you nice, they give you respect, the people are presentable, the placement is nice, then you feel a little extra. The extra is what makes you buy that product from them. And this little extra costs nothing, for real, to start. And it goes a long way. For a real long way. Because the relationship you start having with your customer is a personal one. It's not a robot, a machine answering questions and basically telling you to blog off because no one wants to talk to you. It's humans on the other side listening to you and answering questions.

Learn more about HyperHost and get in touch here: 

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