Bringing startups together: Charlie Spokes, Founder, Rbbl.

Explore the system, explore the functions and features that it's got because it might have something you never knew you needed, which will help boost your business.
— Charlie Spokes, Founder, Rbbl.

How is an unfunded startup bringing startup founders together — with free tools from another unfunded startup? We spoke with Charlie Spokes about starting Rbble and the part plays in connecting new businesses with the events, people, and resources they need to succeed in a fast-growing market.

1 - First of all, can you tell us a little bit about your business?

Sure. So the company I run is called Rbbl (pronounced "Rabble"). I'm a solo founder, and Rbbl has been designed as an events marketplace for the startup ecosystem. We're launched here in the UK at the moment, and we're very much focusing on a very, very fast-growing market over here.

We’re getting founders together, bringing a community together, and also making sure it's easy for everybody to find the best events for startups in one place.

2 - How do you use at Rbbl?

We've been using on our last couple of businesses, actually. We came across you guys when we were searching as an unfunded startup for a free solution to help us do better customer service. And came up and it's just the most astonishing solution that we found to be able to build, not only a chat on our site … but a knowledge center off the back of it to guide our users through the process and help them self serve.

3 - Why did you choose to use and partner with

I just really like the way that you guys described yourselves … the customers that you already had on board. And the user interface, actually, was one of the biggest things. It's very simple, it's very straightforward, and it was easy to integrate with our own systems.

4 - How do you promote

We've done it in a few ways. The first way that we've [promoted] is we've written a blog reviewing the solutions that we looked into and obviously the fact that we've used and how we use it and manage our customer service and our team through it.

But we obviously also have a chat widget on our site which is available to anybody to use at any time. If we're online, then we'll be able to chat with our customers. And if we're not, they can leave messages and we can get back to them and help them out if they might be having any issues or if they have any questions.

The other thing that we've used from features that are available to us is the Knowledge Base. The knowledge center is just a fantastic way to allow customers to find out exactly who we are and what we do and [also] how to do things on the site without them having to come to us.

5 - What benefits are you seeing as a result of sharing

We're seeing really good interaction from clients, and it's nice for them, particularly during working hours, to be able to get hold of us immediately and have questions answered. But it's also great for them if they're trying to do something in the middle of the night and nobody is online, to be able to leave a message and communicate their issue so that we can come back to them when we're back.

We promote all of the companies and the services that we work with. We're part of a huge startup community, and obviously, as a free service that can be offered around the community for other startups to help their customers is a huge benefit. So we talk about it a lot.

6 - What advice can you share with new partners at

I think just get involved. Opportunities like this to come in and speak and chat with you guys and to get to know your team are fantastic. I think with any service that you use, it's nice to know the people behind it. I think it's really important. But also explore the system, explore the functions and features that it's got because it might have something you never knew you needed, which will help boost your business.

Learn more about Rbbl and get in touch here:  

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